Sunday, March 05, 2006

Hoping that Girl Who Stopped to Read . . .

. . . the notes and clippings posted on my door would remain
  • as curious,
  • as informed,
  • as bold to inquire of older people,
  • as hopeful in the face of stiflingly narrow puritanical politics (though to apply the name puritanical to what's going on nowadays is an insult to the learned, logical, good--though, yes, narrow in their own ways--people who suffered under their own oppressions 350 years ago),
  • and as joyous forever
as when she laughed aloud at Boondocks and Dilbert flapping in the institutional air-flow of that university hallway last December.


Blogger Lori Powell said...

You are a refreshingly lucid, honest writer. I hope you keep posting.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Bob Hill said...

Thank you for such heartening words here at the beginning of a new year.


7:00 AM  

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