Friday, August 29, 2008

On Imus in the Morning, Neil Cavuto goes blind, again
Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 11:38am
Subject : Cavuto's "misstatement"

I realize that Mr. Cavuto is in a business that allows, and on certain media outlets even requires, misinterpretation (I mean, I watch Imus in the Morning exactly for its hyperbolic, ironic take on news and the world), but this morning's display of dishonesty by Mr. Cavuto was troubling.

He urged us to "listen to the words" spoken by Obama last night, but Cavuto literally did not. Obama directly stated that start-up small businesses should be relieved of capital gains burdens and, far from calling profits or the wealthy "evil," he tried to set in motion--again--the American idea of individual as well as mutual responsibility. He seems to believe that the wealthy have it in their power to be more mutually responsible, not that they are evil.

Now, when corporate forces manipulate the tax codes, work out hidden nefarious deals in venues that rightfully belong to the general populace . . . ok . . . that's evil. But that would be true of a guy making $50,000, too.

What troubled me was that Mr. Imus (whom I greatly admire) didn't call him on that . . . well . . . that lie. Especially when the words of the speech are right in front of our eyes.

Cavuto may be a really smart guy, but his ideology is a blinding light in his own eyes. I wonder what he thinks of Eisenhower's caution against the "military-industrial complex," if he thinks Ike thought capitalism to be evil.

All political and economic systems have flaws that cause damage to people; but what could possibly be wrong with trying to think through ways to ameliorate that damage, instead of tearing on down the tunnel of laissez-faire?

Aw, shucks. I knew you'd understand . . .

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